Flexible Controller and I/O Solutions from Emerson

Nowadays.. Open architecture and flexibility in automation implementation is a must…

Emerson which succesfully acquired GE Intelligent Platforms has came with this solutions, based on PACSystems RX3i platform, and some new innovative products to meet modern industrial needs.

With various Embedded Ethernet CPU type, RX3i support Profinet I/O, Controller Redundancy, various type of I/O and protocols, also ready for IoT integration. RX3i also has rackless CPU which make it really flexible.

With Profinet, integration can be done easily between RX3i, PAC8000, VersaMax, RSTi, or even 3rd party Profinet products such as Siemens, Beckhoff, Wago, Metler Toledo, etc.

Feel free to contact us for further discussion on your requirement.